Lucio Rossi Design
Seminar N°1: Design as an art and a business.
Intensive online workshop. (BETA)
Approx. total hours: 8.
Basic points:
The course consists of 5 Stages named “focuses”. Each focus has a length of maximum one hour. The subjects will be as follows:
Focus 1 - Basics. Theory, design and architecture literacy.
Focus 2 – Design analysis, critic.
Focus 3 – Design methods, design as a mental construction.
Focus 4 - Who are we producing for? / What's the market? / How many “markets” are there?
Focus 5 – Introduction to advanced design. technologies, digital fabrication,
equipment overview, software.
All stages will consist of original material, tips, guides and tutorials that were designed for the course. The given material is a result of years of experimentation in the fields of design, architecture and branding. The following basic topics will be covered:
-Architecture/Urban design.
-Interior design
-Industrial design/Product design.
-Graphic design, UI/UX
-Business model/Business plan
What's in Focus 1:
Basics. Theory, design and architecture literacy.
Design has a background, everything in this reality is designed. Even you. No matter who makes it, nature, evolution, a creator, an animal or a person, our environment is designed and consists of patterns, functions and tangible and non tangible elements. You as a designer will have something to do with your environment, by modifying it from the smallest to the biggest. Understanding that complexity can be a question of perception since we are constantly gathering and processing information, everything that we see, hear, touch and eventually experience have a subsequent influence on what we are and do. Our design literacy will be a part of that. Our production will be a reflection of that. Focus one is the base from where we build since we are a part of a chain that has not started with us, and it won't definitely finish in our persona. We belong to a continuous movement.
What's in Focus 2:
Design analysis, critic.
An analytical/critical point of view is fundamental for having a strong personality, to allow an evolution, a self development and a self realization as a professional.
In the working field sooner or later a point is reached where a notion of grounded thought and capacity for decision making is not only desirable but fundamental. You may have to convince others and yourself that a certain path is the one to go. You may also have to build the capacity to detach yourself and understand when a change of course is needed or when one has to just follow.
Decisions and choices are the good ones only when there's sufficient confidence on what's to be done, and to do that, a sane, detached way of thinking and sense of appreciation has to be matured. You have to look under the hood and know yourself first, you have to analyze what others have done and are doing to value, to reject, to construct or destroy and rebuild .
What's in Focus 3:
Design methods. Design as a mental construction.
Design can be a 100% mental job. You won't have to draw anything, you won't have to make models of any kind, you are the owner of the most powerful computer that there's and money can't buy. Your head. It's all about practice.
Design is easier with constraints, the more freedom that there's, the more difficult that it gets since possibilities can be overwhelming. Outside an ideal world one is bonded to what's our reality and the materials and techniques we can discover, use or invent. We'll explore them all, inscribed as poor & exuberant design.
What's in Focus 4:
Who are we producing for?
What's the market?
How many “markets” are there?
Design can be for the masses, a few or just you. A designer does not only work for others, he produces a consistent body of work throughout a lifetime that's a part of an evolutionary process operating in the mind.
Things are made, bought and sold, a market has producers, niches, trends, clients, middlemen, customers and consumers. A product has a lifespan, it may be bond by technology, a market, novelty, function or endurance. How do you make your way in such a jungle?
What's in Focus 5:
Introduction to advanced design. technologies, digital fabrication, software, equipment overview, skills needed.
A good idea can't go anywhere without a representation of some kind that eventually is needed for self understanding and subsequent communication. An image, a model, a mock-up are just representations, the prototype is the point where an idea is first tested and where design starts to make sense. More than ever, with little resources and great speed we can build prototypes and even small series. Developing a brand has never been so reachable for a designer, therefore avoiding the frustration that comes with a traditional way of working. We will learn about what's out there and how to make use of it.
Since this is a short online course, It could be difficult (or merely impossible) to coordinate working hours and free time in a group that could contain different time zones and lifestyles. For that, the lectures for the 5 different focuses are going to be pre-recorded and a resume of them will be handed in via email. Followers of the course will be able to make notes on the lectures with questions or subjects that they would like to expand on, and the answering will be made via email. It will be no limit for the amount of questions posed.
Each Focus point will contain the information that will be needed to make a task that will be reviewed first via email and later live in a one to one final screening. The aim underlying the course will be to design ANYTHING, it will be something to be discussed via email and/or a one to one tutorial with each participant. The object/space proposed will be reviewed and developed. For those interested in the task but with no design background, the requirements will be changed to something that will be discussed on each particular case at the very beginning. The seminar is aimed at individuals with any professional level, it is a general, broad course that may be useful for experienced, non experienced and individuals who are just interested in design.
Once on the course, after each focus students will get a resume, the task and the planning of it. The course will be flexible and give students time to fulfill the tasks. The language of the course is English but we'll support questions and one to one meetings in the following languages:
English, French, Italian, Spanish and German.
The course starts Dec 1 2024 and will run until Dec 22.

Why should I try this course?
Because you may find many new insights, a different approach to design, one that's totally out of the box, but that at the same time is well grounded.
Is this course for experienced designers or beginners?
This seminar is suitable for both.
Experienced designers will find a different look and a description of a very particular way of doing design. Newcomers to the discipline will get an enthusiastic push, tools and insights on the profession that are not part of any regular, academic course.
Is this course suitable for anybody with no design background?
Yes, since it's not solely about design, it touches different aspects like financing, market position or niches to just name a few, this is, aspects that are broader to that of design, since not only what we call designers are part of the design world, many others from different backgrounds do work in the design field, as for example, those that are related to marketing or branding, or even retailing.
Would I interact with LR in any form?
Yes, as described, the course has a series of one to one tutorials.
Why the price is reduced? What does “Beta” means?
This is our first online course, that's why it's beta, prior to that, LR has only designed and dictated courses that were in person, in universities or design institutions. The whole experience is therefore new, and although we are confident in the quality of the course, it's also something that will be improved over time thanks to participant's feedback and practice.
Why it is not for free?
It is not for free because, costs of putting it together aside, we want to attract those who are really interested, and our series of seminars are not about generating “content”, they are about teaching; one can find tons of interesting lectures and resources on the internet, but of good quality with also continuity and feedback, just a few, and most of the time what can be found is overpriced and designed and lead by folks who may be not as strong and interesting professionals as anyone willing to learn design or about design would like them to be.
Is there a time frame to finish the course?
There's a minimum time frame, a month, beyond that, is up to the participant when to finish.
Why an online course?
LR has been teaching architectural design and design in different countries with students from all over the world with varied cultural, social backgrounds and levels of experience. The present course is the first point for creating a design academy that will start online and afterwards it will function as a brick and mortar institution. It is an opportunity to create something new, to finally do things without any constraint and in a certain way.
What if I miss the first Beta course, will the course be repeated?
The repetition of the course and the introduction of new seminars is subjected to the success of the Beta course, this is not really about how much people would enroll (it is limited to 50 places though), but it depends directly on feedback and the overall experience, not only regarding attendees, but also from the other side, if it fulfills the academic expectations or not. The question is open, there's no straight answer.
If you have any further question, or need extra information, ,please click her e.